Cooking Portugal

Cooking Portugal

Should you tip in Portugal?

Can be your question: should you tip in Portugal? Most people will answer you, that is not mandatory. Giving tips means that you loved the service or the products you acquire and it is more used in restaurants, hotels, coffee shops.

Portugal has a minimum wage approved in an agreement between the government, unions, and the major employers association. In fact, every year there are institutional meetings to discuss several key points of employment, different sectors, initiatives, careers, inflation, and of course, minimum wage.

Should you tip in Portugal?

Imagine a wonderful meal in a local restaurant, whatever if it is in Lisbon, Porto, or any other location. Dream with the perfect wine pairing or just a wine tasting and you loved the moment you had with your guide, local winemaker, or employee.

They will be grateful for the tip, even in Portugal is not mandatory as a part of the service. Is there any percentage that is fare from the total amount of the bill? No, again, there is no rule for that. If you want to give a tip to the employee, you decide the amount of cash you want to.

You make the rule if should you tip in Portugal

Portuguese are in general lovely people that will help you, even you dont speak Portuguese. You will be able to speak in English or gestures trying to explain your concerns and they will be carefully helping you with the best information possible. Portugal education system has english as second language and locals learn it since kindergarden till the end of the graduation. The content may change, according the graduation they are making, more business, IT, medical, however the english level will be excellent.

Feel free to suggest other questions to Cooking Portugal. We will be glad to answer. In conclusion, should you tip in Portugal? If you loved the service provided by the different players in sector tourism activity, you can, even it is not mandatory. How much should you tip? There is no rule. The rule is what you want. We hope to have answered your question with a positive attitude to your question:  Meanwhile feel free to share the content.

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