Cooking Portugal

Cooking Portugal

Drink Water?

Drink water in Lisbon? You mean tap water right? Yes, it is safe and healthy to drink tp water across Portugal in general. Depending on the regions they might taste neutral as we know it, heavier or lighter, however, it is safe. Concerning locals it is common to drink tap water at home, during a meal, or throughout the day.

During some of the walking tours in Lisbon, you might find some drinking fountains spread in the city, totally free and of good quality. If you have a water bottle refill it, especially during summer with the highest temperatures, you will love to drink it while you walk in the city.

Drink Water, Portugal

Drink Water in Lisbon on Restaurants

If you enter a coffee shop and order a coffee, it’s common to serve a glass of water upon request of the customer. In fact, there is a large number of people that always request both. Usually is the coffee shop serves tap water or some shops will make it filtered due to several systems available for restaurants and coffee shops.

Drinking water in restaurants in the Portuguese capital usually is in bottles. It is mandatory to be bottled and you will find different measures. Bottles of 33ml, 0,5L or 1,5L . Some cozy restaurants will serve owned brand bottles of water. They are filtered machines, can be cold or ambient temperature.

It is different from the United States of America, where it common for a jar with water, almost mandatory. In Spain for example, it is mandatory to order water in bottles. In Germany or Austria, it is more common the sparkling water. You will find also it in Portugal, not so common to consume.

Water is precious, but, since you will visit Portugal, taste Portuguese wines. Make wine tastings while you are in the country if you love wines. The country has vineyards and winemakers everywhere or you will be able to taste it in walking tours or event cooking classes in Lisbon or Porto.

Besides cooking classes in Lisbon, walking food tours or wine tastings, you have available so many activities in the Portuguese capital. Travel with all safety measures, protect yourself and others, that you will be able to enjoy every moment of your trip to our country. Meanwhile, share and support our activity that we will be bring more content for you. We write on regular basis every week. Share on facebook, twitter, Instagram or bookmark any of the articles available, that you will be able to read it later.

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